** Goals Baltimore staff reserves the right to disallow any players or spectators if our policies and procedures are not being followed **
We all love our pets – but pets/animals of any sort are not allowed inside our buildings – please respect our policies and leave your pets at home. ** There is a very real possibility that someone inside of Goals while you are here could be terrified of animals and or your pet and or have allergies to your pet. KEEP YOUR PET AT HOME. Thank you.
Payment is due at the time of rental (before allowed on the field or court) unless otherwise specified by a signed contract or other written agreement with Goals Baltimore, Inc. Anyone with an outstanding balance from a prior rental term will not be allowed to reserve additional sessions until that past due balance is paid in full.
All clients that book rentals are responsible in making sure the Goals Baltimore Rules and Policies are relayed and sent to all their players/teams/groups as you, the rental client, are the one responsible for the actions of all your players/teams/groups to include their friends/families that attend Goals Baltimore. You can easily send this specific website link out to your group. Thank you.
Rental cancellations and rental changes cannot be done at will and are not acceptable with our policies.
We require at minimum a 48 hours notice for cancellations and changes (Mondays-Thursdays).
Weekend cancellations and weekend changes (Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays) require 72 hours advance notice.
Cancellations of less than 48/72 hours notice, same day cancellations and no shows will require the rental reservation time paid in full.
No shows will be cause to have remaining schedule cancelled, and no additional reservations will be made until the reservation rental fee is paid in full.
After a second cancellation or change in rental time scheduling, it will be cause to have remaining schedule cancelled.
Rental reservation changes with less than 48/72 hours notice, same day changes, walk-in changes during rental time will require the entire reservation time paid in full. Walk-in changes are not acceptable and will be cause for remaining schedule cancelled.
Groups arriving late are still required to pay their full rental reservation fee; extra playing time is not allowed since the group did not start on time.
Rental clients are fully responsible and held accountable for the actions of their entire rental group and of any friends/family of the group that attends Goals Baltimore. Any damages and any items taken of Goals Baltimore facility and equipment will require full restitution within 10 days of the incident. Goals Baltimore has 24-hour surveillance cameras; the rental client will be contacted as soon as possible after an incident happens with their group. Certain incidents could be reported to the police before we attempt contact with the rental client.
Unsupervised children are not allowed in our facilities for drop-offs and must have parental supervision at all times, including our lobbies and restrooms to avoid possible incidents with your children and to avoid causing damage to our facility. Our staff are not ‘babysitters’ and are not responsible or held accountable for the actions of children (or even of adults).
- Cleats are not allowed in our facilities. Field One (turf shoes only). Field Two (sneakers and flat soled shoes only, indoor turf shoes with very small rubber nubs is also acceptable). Sports Court (sneakers and soft flat soled shoes only). Please see our Footwear Page for information.
- NO alcohol, beer, wine – NO smoking or vaping – NO illegal substances or drugs – NO cannabis/weed – permitted inside the facility. Anyone caught using any of these substances inside the facility (or restrooms) will be expelled from the building. Keep these outside the GOALS facility for your own tailgating, however, you are responsible and must clean up any trash and mess.
- Cancellations must be made 48/72 hours in advance for no charge. Same day cancellations and cancellations within 24 hours will be charged for rental time and group won’t be allowed to play or reserve next time until fee is paid.
- Swearing, abusive or foul language will NOT be permitted in the facility or our parking lots.
- Do not play ball outside of the enclosed fields or the enclosed sports court, or on the inside or outside of the facility building walls. Do not play ball around the bleachers where spectators are sitting. Do not play ball in any of the lobby areas or in the restrooms or aisles or hallways or at the concession stand area. Do not play ball in the stairways or the upstairs in the Academy building. You will be asked to stop. If you continue, you then will be asked to leave. You will be required to pay for any damage!
- Coaches, groups, rental clients are to provide their own team balls, pinnies, and any other sports playing equipment for games, practices, training sessions.
- ALL children and youth must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times inside and outside the facility, including to the restroom. Drop-offs are NOT allowed.
- NO running, climbing, horseplay anywhere in the facility (including restrooms).
- NO skate shoes, skate boards, roller blades, hover boards, bicycles, tricycles, scooters, pedal toys, hover toys allowed in the facility. If these are used outside in the parking lot, a parent/guardian must be with children at all times for safety.
- Players, teams, coaches, spectators, parents are responsible for their own trash and any personal belongings; including canteens, clothing, jackets, jewelry, shoes, etc. Check to make sure your group has everything, including water bottles, and trash picked up before leaving. Goals Baltimore is NOT responsible or accountable for any personal items or items brought to Goals.
- Gum is NOT allowed in the facility – do not spit out gum on flooring/turf, this will damage our court and field, and could be stepped on and then tracked around inside. NO sunflower seed shells, NO peanut shells, NO fruit peels are to be spit or thrown on the flooring. Please be respectful as others use the facility all day and please don’t leave a mess. Food and snacks are NOT allowed inside the Academy building.
- NO spitting or throwing up on any of the flooring or fields. Use the trash cans or the bathrooms for spit and throwing up. Parents and coaches are accountable AND required to clean up any throw up.
- There must be a coach or parent to accompany any player under 18 on the field.
- Proper sports attire is mandatory, including proper shirt, shorts, socks, shoes.
- There is a limit of 3 coaches per team in the bench area during games.
- NO drink or food allowed inside the field or sports court enclosures.
- Youth players are required to play in their current grade level for each session.
- Play hard and have fun!
- CERTAIN groups that are scheduled back to back will need to be off the court/field TWO MINUTES early so first group has time to exit and the next group has time to enter. Staff will let the group know if they need to watch time to be done early. This is specifically necessary if staff need to switch field goals from lacrosse to soccer or soccer to lacrosse.
- ALL GROUPS NEED TO ROUND UP AT LEAST TWO MINUTES BEFORE TIME ENDS SO THEY CAN BE OFF THE COURT/FIELD ON TIME FOR THE NEXT GROUP TO ENTER ON TIME. If groups need post game huddle time, do this off the court/field so the next group starts on time. Any group that NEEDS to RETRIEVE BALLS that went over the wall, MUST END THEIR OWN TIME SHORT AND LOOK FOR THOSE BALLS DURING THEIR OWN RESERVED RENTAL TIME. No one is allowed to search for balls after their rental session ends, THE NEXT GROUP MUST START ON TIME.
- Sport groups need to check our rules and procedures of their specific sport.
- Sportsmanship is to be demonstrated by ALL players, coaches, parents and fans.
- No abusive or vulgar language or name calling will be tolerated in our facility. Any arguments with GOALS staff will be immediate cause for the person/group to leave (no refunds). GOALS management has final say.
- No fighting. Players will be ejected from the game and are eligible for expulsion from the remainder of the game. Any player refusing to leave will be expelled from the building.
- Referees – All calls and decisions by the referee are final and are not to be argued. Referee fees will be paid by each team prior to the start of the game. Goals Baltimore does not provide referees and is not responsible for referee fees.
- Scorekeeper – Goals Baltimore does not provide a scorekeeper. We will show your designated scorekeeper (adult only, minors under 18 are not allowed to operate our consoles) how to use the electronic score pad. (No drinks or foods allowed on the score table with the electronic score pad. If something spills on the electronic pad, it can ruin it and you would be responsible for replacement repairs.)
- Game length – Generally two 20 minute running time halves. 5 minute halftime and NO timeouts. The clock will only stop for serious injuries. 5 minute pre game and 5 minute post game. This equates to 55 minutes of rental time, to leave enough time to round up and be off field/court on time for next group to enter on time.
Adult Flag Football Rules
- Rosters – Teams may have up to 12 players on their roster. Teams must register online and then submit team rosters to Goals. This will ensure that your waiver of liability is complete and will verify your team roster. Teams will receive a forfeit if using players not on their roster. Rosters are locked prior to the 2nd game. PLAYERS MAY ONLY PLAY FOR ONE TEAM WITHIN THE SAME LEAGUE.
- Uniforms – Teams are responsible for providing their own jerseys/shirts/pinnys. Numbers are recommended but not required. Roster must show color of team when submitted as well as color of flags being worn by the team.
- Footballs – Teams are responsible for bringing their own football. Footballs must be regulation high school size or larger.
- Equipment
- Flag belts will not be provided. Clip belts are preferred to be used by the players.
- No metal cleats or molded cleats, turf shoes are required.
- Jewelry is not allowed and must be removed prior to play.
- Referee Fees – Referee fees will be paid by each team prior to the start of the game. Goals Baltimore does not provide referees and is not responsible for referee fees.
- Game length – Two 24 minute running time halves. 5 minute halftime and NO timeouts.
- Field of play – Sidelines are the boards and glass and the net is considered in the field of play. Cones mark the goal line and 5 and 10-yard lines. Balls hitting the net are in play and balls hitting the glass or wall are out of bounds. Balls are playable off the side netting, but not the ceiling. Six players are on the field at one time. Teams must have at least 4 players on the field to begin.
- Start of game – A coin toss by the referee will determine first possession. The receiving team starts at their own 5-yard line.
- Play clock – The offensive team will have 25 seconds to put the ball in play from the moment the ball is spotted and the referee whistles the play ready.
- Line of Scrimmage – The offensive team must have at least 3 players on the line of scrimmage. Ball must be snapped between the center’s legs. All players are eligible receivers.
- Blocking – Blocking (between the shoulders and waist) is allowed only within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. Players may not use their forearm in a striking motion. No contact is allowed on a defenseless receiver.
- Laterals/pitches – Are not allowed.
- Running – The quarterback may not run the ball when spotted between the defending team’s 5-yard line and the goal line. This includes extra point attempts from the 5-yard line.
- Flag Guarding – Flag guarding is an attempt by the ball carrier to obstruct the defender’s access to the flags by stiff arming, dropping the head, hand, arm or shoulder, or intentionally covering flags with the football or jersey. Diving, leaping or jumping is also considered flag guarding. Spinning and various other types of hip movements to avoid an opponent IS allowed. The penalty is 5 yards from the spot of the foul.
- Receptions – Receivers need 1 foot down with possession for the play to be considered a reception.
- First Downs – Teams have 4 chances to get a first down at midfield, then 4 chances to get a touchdown.
- Punting – There is no punting. Teams may either go for it on fourth down or declare a punt. If a team declares a punt and is short of midfield, the opposing team will start from midfield. If a punt is declared past midfield, the opposing team will start from their own 10-yard line. The location of the punt is based on the spot of the ball at the time of the punt regardless of crossing midfield at any time prior during the offensive series.
- Fumbles – The ball is dead once it hits the ground. There is no ball stripping.
- Penalty Enforcement
- Placement of ball will follow High School Federation rules.
- Delay of game = 5 yards plus the loss of a down
- Unsportsmanlike & roughing = 10 yards plus the loss of a down or automatic first down.
- All other penalties = 5 yards
- Scoring
- Touchdown = 6 points
- *All touchdowns will be followed by an extra point regardless of time expiring.
- Extra point attempt from the 5-yard line = 1 point
- Extra point attempt from the 10-yard line = 2 points
- *If a ball is intercepted during an extra point attempt it can be returned and scored for the value of that conversion attempt.
- Safety = 2 points
- Forfeit = 7 – 0
- Touchdown = 6 points
- Standings Tiebreakers
- Head-to-Head
- Point Differential
- Points For
- Playoff Overtime – Playoff games that are tied at the end of regulation will play overtime. Each team will get one play to get the most yards or a touchdown from the 10 yard line to declare a winner. No timeouts.
- Ejections – Players must leave the facility if ejected. Players may be suspended or expelled from the league based on the referee’s recommendation.
Box Lacrosse Rules
- This is a team league and registration must be completed by a coach.
- The league divisions are designed by the grade of each player. (5th, 6th & 7th)
- All players must provide safety equipment EXCEPT for the box goalie equipment that will be provided by our facility.
- No long poles are permitted in box lacrosse. The maximum stick length is 46 inches and minimum is 38 inches (due to age of the players in this league).
- There is no boarding, no cross checking, and no body checking allowed.
- There is a 35 second shot clock for each possession.
- Teams on the field are 6 v 6 (including goalie).
- There is no offside – all field players run the field.
- For most penalties, the offending player must exit the field of play for 2 minutes or the time issued by the referee. The offending team will play down a player and the offending player may enter the game after the assessed penalty has ended. The penalty is releasable after goal is scored.
- If there are excessive or intentional penalties on any player it is up to the referee if that player can continue on the field. This type of penalty will be assessed for 5 minutes to the offending team.
- No fighting – players will be ejected from the game and are eligible for expulsion from the remainder of the league.
- Beginning games and halves are determined by a faceoff as well as when goals are scored. When a team is leading by 5 goals the opposing team will be awarded the ball instead of a faceoff.
- Goal size is 4 feet by 4 feet.
- Substitution is on the fly from the designated box.
- Games are two 20 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime.
- Tiebreakers will be determined by one 5 minute overtime. In the event that the score is still tied, the game will end in a tie after the one overtime period.
- In the event of a tie, head-to-head is used first, then goals against, to determine league standings.
- Teams need to exit the field quickly during league play so the next game can start on time.
- Out of bounds is determined when the ball hits the netting in the facility or deemed by the referee in charge.
- Sportsmanship is to be demonstrated by all players, coaches, parents and fans.
- No abusive or vulgar language will be tolerated in our facility.
- Have fun and play hard.
Indoor Field Hockey Rules
- Field of play is 6 v 6 (5 field players + 1 goal keeper).
- Must have at least 4 players to start the game or it will be deemed a forfeit.
- Only 2 coaches will be allowed in the bench area. The coach must be responsible for the behavior of their players, fans and assistant coach.
- Cards can be assessed by the referee to address physical play, non- sportsmanship acts either verbal or physical or a violation of the rules of play. The penalty box is located with the team bench.
- The game will consist of two 25 minute halves (running time). Halftime will be 3 minutes long.
- Games must start on time each hour. There is no warm up time.
- Shin guards and mouth pieces are mandatory for all players. The goalie must wear all safety and required items.
- Substitutions are done on the fly from the bench areas. No subs at the time a corner is called until the ball is back into play.
- Legal strokes must be used to push the ball. A push is defined as moving on the ground while the players stick and ball are on the ground. The players may not raise the ball into the air except when shooting on goal. Slap hits are not allowed (dragging of the stick before hitting the ball)
- Long Hits are taken on the spot of the sidelines, 5 yards from the end line.
- During a penalty corner, there are a total of 3 players (including goalie) and all other players must retreat to the midfield line. If a penalty corner has occurred and the time clock has expired the corner penalty shot must occur at this time.
- A goal occurs when the ball crosses the line of the goal area and a shot must take place in the scoring arc.
- The goalie must stay within the scoring arc to keep all goalie rights.
- All defenders must be 5 yards away from the ball on free pushes.
- The ball cannot be lifted off the ground. Except when shooting on goal, but it must be controlled and not seen as dangerous by the referee.
- All calls and decisions by the referee are final and are not be argued.
Soccer Rules
Soccer League Rules and Regulations
Roster/Waiver Form must be filled out, signed and turned in before the start of your first game by all players; if a player is not there the first game, they should ask employee at the front desk to make an addition on the roster before they are eligible to play with your team. Guest players are only allowed by permission of the opposing team’s captain.
In the field –
– The away team changes when a jersey color conflict arises. It’s highly recommended to bring two different color jerseys.
– Shin guards ARE required.
– NO offside.
– NO sliding, with or without the ball. Clarification: A slide will be called when any part of your arm, hand or knee makes contact with the ground.
– NO hands on wall. A foul will be called when players use the wall to protect the ball and or push the opponents.
Cards –
– Blue card, two-minute suspension. The team may substitute a different player.
– Yellow card, two-minute suspension. The team plays without a player for the duration of suspension. (2) Yellow-cards result in a red-card.
– Red card, team plays short of a player for the rest of the game.
Substitutions are unlimited –
– There is no stoppage of play for substitutions (except goalie). The players leaving should be completely off the field before substitutes enter. Enter/Exit should be from teams’ respective bench area.
Delay of game –
– Player has 5 seconds to put the ball in play or the opponents get a chance to play.
Free Kicks –
– All free kicks are direct.
– Offense may play the ball immediately after spotting the ball. Offense MUST ask for space if they feel appropriate. If offense asks for space they must wait until the whistle to play ball (3 yards will be given when asking for distance). If offense senses that defender is exceeding minimum distance and plays the ball into defender, this will lead to automatic issuing of a card.
– Defenders may set up a wall; player(s) may not stand on top of the ball. A card MAY be issued for exceeding minimum distance (at the referee’s discretion). Minimum distance is primarily 2-3 feet. If a defender is exceeding minimum distance and the offense plays the ball into defender this will result in automatic card.
– Free Kicks/Goal Kicks/Kick Off – The ball must be stationary prior to being kicked.
– Ball hitting ceiling net outside penalty box will result in a direct free kick; Ball hitting the ceiling net within the penalty box will result in direct free kick 3 steps outside of the box.
Penalty kicks –
– Ball placed on penalty spot 2 steps outside of box. Players stand behind the ball.
– Pass back to goalie must be inadvertent or from the knee up. Goalie can dribble ball back into goal box and pick it up only when received from an opposing player. Goalie cannot use hands when ball is thrown in from own team.
Forfeits –
– Game is declared a forfeit when the clock reaches 16 minutes (if the game is on-the-hour we can wait 8 minutes before starting the clock). To start a game, a 4-player minimum (3 + keeper) is required. If a team walks off the field before the game is finished, they forfeit.
The clock will only stop for serious injuries.